Monday, December 30, 2019

How Do I Learn Write Essay - 987 Words

How Do I Learn to Write? Reading and writing go hand-in-hand. Those who learn to write, write so someone will eventually read it. Those who learn to read, learn to write through reading other people’s work. But, one must first learn how to do one of the following to succeed in both. So, how does one learn to write? The best, most concise, writers develop from avid readers. Through reading, I am always learning how to write. I believe reading is essentially the foundation of learning to write. With active reading skills I can not only get better at writing, but have the power to excel with my writing experience through different styles of writing. Once I learn to write well in one style, I can then challenge myself to read different styles of literature. Aside from through reading, I didn’t learn to write. Writing is a trait that can only be acquired by way of reading literature. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, I can learn a plethora of things from others through writing. Writers are the teachers of new readers. If one reads fascinating articles, they will be taught to write fascinating articles. Likewise, if someone is a dedicated reader of mysteries they will have an easier time writing mysteries than a reader who doesn’t like mysteries. I have been asked for reflections of articles, frequently in high school. Every month, we were obligated to turn in four one page responses to four articles we’re given. Although this helped me develop my basic academic writingShow MoreRelatedHow Do I Learn Write?891 Words   |  4 PagesHow Do I Learn to Write? Reading and writing go hand-in-hand. Those who learn to write, write so someone will eventually read it. Those who learn to read, learn to write through reading other people’s work. But, one must first learn how to do one of the following to succeed in both. So, how does one learn to write? The best, most concise, writers develop from avid readers. Through reading, we are always learning how to write. I believe reading is essentially the foundation of learning to write.Read MoreWriting Is A Fundamental Aim Of Education943 Words   |  4 Pagestaught the importance of and how to do it well. Teachers have the ability to make every student a great writer; teachers just have to give students the tools to accomplish that. â€Å"Developing fluency in writing has always been a fundamental aim of education, even if the promise has never been fully realized.† (National Commission on Writing) Writing is just putting our thought down on paper and making sure that they make sense and are organized. All students can learn to do this it just takes proper instructionRead MoreMalcom X By Malcolm X989 Words   |  4 Pageswhen they are unable to do something; this leads to frustration and then a choice they have to make: giving up or stubbornly continuing it. Malcolm X was also in a situation like that during his time in prison. He nev er finished his education in reading or writing and tried to learn how to read and write which it was hard for him, but he still continue to learn to those skills. In Malcolm X’s â€Å"Learning to Read†, despite being a prisoner, he decides to learn how to read and write making use of his timeRead MoreThe Importance Of Writing1176 Words   |  5 PagesI love writing as much as I can. It allows me the freedom to be someone else. It gives my imagination the freedom to be wide open. When I write, I want other people who read it to understand what I am writing. I want my story to get the audiences’ senses working. I be sure to write my own ideas and thoughts, so as to not plagiarize anyone’s work. Writing is and should be a free-thinking love. Most writings are going to have a beginning, middle, and end. I like to have all three portions of a storyRead More My Writing Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesthe past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a becoming a more prosperous writer. What I Really Learned in English 100 Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he said that if I go one mile to meetRead MoreMay Kattaya. Prof. Shannon-Bowers. English 110. February1144 Words   |  5 Pageswish to reoccur. That memory for me is when I moved from Egypt an Arabic speaking country to the United States where they speak English. It was a unique change that I was never used to. I was born in Egypt, an Arabic-speaking country. I was living in Egypt my entire life. I went to school there: Elementary and middle school. When I was young, I had the hard time to speak or talk and that was my biggest issue because I had to go to school late. When I went to elementary school, there was a teacherRead MoreNatural Writing As A Construct982 Words   |  4 Pagesnatural is a construct in itself. I believe that there is more that goes into when writing and that writing is not natural. So many things come into play when writing and learning how to write. Not everyone writes the same so teaching multiple people how to write in a way to better them individually can be difficult. I never really realized this, until I reach the college level and took the Rhetoric and Composition class that made me see the difference between â€Å"how to write† and â€Å"what is writing.† TheRead MoreWant I Expect to Learn in My English Class763 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I was in high school, I had to take some type of comprehension test every year. I guess it was for students who were registered as English being there second language. I never really understood the concept of understanding what I am reading or writing. When I was in high school the only books I had read were the â€Å"Hungry Games† and â€Å"A Child Called It†. Other than that I never really read anything else. During my last year of high school my English class read some Shakespeare book. ShakespeareRead MoreWhat Is Introductory English?758 Words   |  4 Pageshelp students learn to use critical thinking. Students need to be able to read an article and take the information and put it into their words. One must be able to identify what the main idea is in each writing piece, and then transform the material into something greater. Students will learn to establish ideas in essay form, and then map them out by creating a rough draft, and then revising the essay. (â€Å"Cours e catalog†) Students will also learn how to find references for essays and how to cite informationRead MoreMy Reflection Of Writing1579 Words   |  7 PagesThis semester I wrote three essays; a review essay, annotated bibliography, and a research paper. As I wrote these essays I learned what they were, why they are written, and why people use these to obtain information. Throughout this course I enjoyed writing the essays and learning new things from what I was writing about. Although some were not easy I still took my time and made sure they were perfect in my eyes. While taking this class I learned a new perspective of writing these specific papers

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder

Abstract Many theorists for decades have presented theoretical approaches in an effort to comprehend personality. Hence, to this date, no theorist has been able to find all the answers in their theory to understand an individual personality. The purpose of this paper is to present -the Trusty model of dependent personality disorder. Major topics relevant to the disorder will be explored including the human image (determination vs. free will, nature vs. nurture and the past vs. the present) as well as the dysfunctional personality style. As you read this paper, I hope you will be more enlightened from the information presented and also gain a better understanding of dependent personality disorder. Keywords: dependent, theory, personality, Trusty, model Personality Theory: The Trusty Model To be honest people need each other. We exist as social creatures. However, it is almost a tough situation to co-exist with individual who suffer from dependent personality disorder as a result of their clingy behavior. The Trusty model for dependent personality disorder is described below. Components of the Trusty Model of Dependent Personality Disorder Image of Human Nature Nature versus nurture. The origin of personality is character-biological nature with a heredity support. Individuals with dependent personality generally display orientation towards being vigilant and at the same time apprehensive as far back as their childhood age (Bornstein, 1992). However, growing up

Friday, December 13, 2019

Social construction gender Free Essays

string(58) " stereotypes come in the way of woman development issues\." The Social Construction of Gender Associated with Disordered Eating Patterns. In the US alone, there is reported to be over 1 million malnourished cases. Of all the above, a significant percentage are self-imposed malnourishment, which implies that, they do not occur as a result of lack of nutritious food but rather as a result of the rush for beauty. We will write a custom essay sample on Social construction gender or any similar topic only for you Order Now More than ever before, women want to look and feel thin and ‘small’. This is what is in the contemporary times viewed as beauty. The media, community as well as peers have all contributed to the development. This paper explores the concept of thinness as reflected in the contemporary society especially the role of eating disorders in the endeavour for beauty. 1. Introduction The social construction of gender has been attributed to numerous challenges facing women since time immemorial. Numerous happenings which influence or affect human beings have been given a social interpretation and therefore resulting onto the coining of the term â€Å"social construction†. The term basically refer to those belief widely held by the society which influence the interactions. In reference to gender, social construction refers to the social process in which men and women are subjected to different conditions in an endeavour to understand better how each one functions as well as the interconnection between the two genders. Social construction aims at looking at the effects the differential treatment of women has on their social life as well as their cultural practices. Although not widely researched on, social construction of gender had much influence on eating patterns. The fact that modernization has yielded much pressure on today’s human is a point to the fact that social construction is in action in almost all spheres of life. Unlike in the fact when beauty has not so much tied to one’s body weight/mass. The 21st century has seen a rise in the emphasis given to being slim especially on the part of women although overweight, obesity or under weight are problems that affect both gender, not is worthy noting that much of the emphasis on keeping fit in the sense of remaining slim is usually used in regard to women. From a gender perspective women are under much pressure to look and keep’ smart. The reason why majority want to remain slim is due to social pressure which stems from the fact that many cultures and especially the western culture value slimness and views it as a lading quality of beauty. The following discussion focuses on self-scheme less space as well as lack of voice as basic concept which advances social construction of gender. On the other hand, the discussion analyses gender identity from a woman perspective while at the same discussing the valuable concepts such as the power associated with beauty as well as the pressure of period the community at large as well as the effects these have on women. . Self-Schema This refers to the experiences of people in regard to their interactions with the society. Self-schema has been defined by, Lorber, Farrell,(1991) as the organization of personal information all related to one experiences all of which have an impact on what people do and focus on. In regard to social construction, self-schema may refer to how women perceive and describe themselves. Such may include women role in the family women and leadership, women and beauty, which is the main focus of this paper. Schema in human beings is concerned with beliefs, pas experiences in life. In case of women various schemas can be attributed to eating disorder. These includes, what the society holder as the ideal weight, what the society beliefs to be the ideal height the ideal hair colour, the idea colour as well as what the society holds to represent heavily. The above contribute to childhood experiences as well experiences in teenage, early adulthood as well as late adulthood as well as late adult shapes ones mind set on many issues. For instances whether a lady perceives herself as beautiful cut, attractive or one of the above is greatly influenced by what she has undergone in life. The experiences shape beliefs over perception of the general public. In regard to women and dietary habits any consistent staring aimed at an overweight or round figured lady can lead to the lady believing that the stares are as a result of her body size, shape or figure and this further contributes to social construction of women. Self schema depends and is shaped by a woman’s experiences and at the same by stimuli in the society such as reactions from people, fashion, attitudes as well as cultural and environmental factors. Self schema on the other had is determined by the company or peers of a woman, the environment whether office or human environment. Determinants of self schema in women. Experience, how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema in women. Experiences of how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema determine how one is likely to respond or react. Importance of self-schema in women. While self schema could sometimes be detrimental to a woman’s health, the fact that some self-schema is represented positively is worth noting. Of particular interest to feminists is the fact that women who result of self-schema hold high opinions of themselves are more likely to resist social pressures which cause many women to confirm to society’s expectations which are mostly anti feminine. Problems of self-schema Self-schema can cause a number of problems to women. Such may include the development of stereotypes which revolve around certain attributes being assigned to specific groups of people. For instance, there exists, a stereotype about the western woman being slim and tall as apposed to African who are viewed as plum and short. Stereotypes can lead to misconceptions of facts and a lack of clear interpretation to meaning this in turn results into women suffering especially if the stereotypes come in the way of woman development issues. You read "Social construction gender" in category "Papers" A. Disappear/Less Space A prejudice concerning a woman as not being beautiful for instance may put the particular woman at a disadvantage when it comes to making choices especially in her social life. For instance where prejudice of a woman in terms of her appearance and shape is dominant, chances are that the woman is more likely to suffer and be at a disadvantage compared to others who are not subjected to the prejudice. . Woman’s gender Identity Self schema may be problematic in that, they may lead to a woman being discriminated against in light of her beauty or lack of it. Since society mostly conceptual ones beauty a physical appearance, a woman may be discriminated against as account of her physical looks. This in turn may cause numerous effects in that the woman who is not equally physically endowed may miss out on opportunities she rightfully qualifies for. Woman gender identity From a gender perspective a woman has been portrayed as the weaker sex. Although it is hard to trace the origin of this common belief, it can be attributed to the domination of man in most spheres of public life such as politics and religion. Also the religious teachings of many religious have perpetrated this understanding in that their teaching which often call for nor-compromising adherence preach about how a woman should be submissive to a man. This has had the greatest impact in the lives of more women than any other factor, for instance, a woman is more likely to be denied a place in some churches or religious purely because of the fact that the particular religion teachers that. Power of beauty Power of beauty has been known to bring down ever the mightiest in the society. From the biblical records of King Solomon to Samson, from presidents to kings, beauty has been cited as one of the greatest assets the female gender has at its disposal. Even at household levels, beautiful women have a high bargaining then not so beautiful woman, for a beautiful woman, the beauty acts like a fall-back position and one is likely to use it to her advantage. However beauty as a gender concept is given different interpretation from culture to culture as well as from society to society, however, the immense power those of the females who are beautiful yield makes them at bargaining. The concept of beauty and the emphasis accorded to it has meant it more of a tool of bargain than it is a natural gift endowed to a woman. Women are investing in healthy and nutritious foods as well as seeking services of beauty consultants. Overall, the role of diet and food in beauty can not be over-emphasized. To remain beautiful, at least according to American standards one has to keep close watch on their weight, this has in turn has contributed to eating disorders. This is a big blow to proponents of health. Unlike in the past, currently the once promising trends as far as malnourishment cases in the society are concerned have started to revert and more cases of malnourishment are being reported. It is common knowledge that nowadays; women are keen to ‘keep fit’ at all costs. However, what makes the topic of interest and concern to social constructionist is the fact that the problem does not reflect in men as much as it is reflected in women. This phenomenon has led to feminists calling far changes in the way beauty is perceived in the society so as to alleviate the impeding danger of malnourishment. Recent happenings in some beauty events early this year clearly illustrates the extent to which the problem has become another challenge for governments and other stakeholder such as health departments. Role of media Media has been termed as one of the strongest agent of change in the 21st century. From the internet to television adverts, mobile phones and computer technology. Media in all its forms whether print or electronic is the vehicle through which the society mostly utilizes in communication. For instance, in advertisement, the medial constantly portrays the beautiful women as that who is slim slender or not weighing a lot. Due to its power of communication, audiences often fall for what the media passes across and only a few take the time to review it and give it a critical review. Thus, the media has in some sense been misused to misconstrue facts and there has altered meanings of some concepts such as beauty. On the other hard, media can be used positively to rectify the negative perception inculcated in minds of people especially about what entails beauty. The media can come up with programmes aimed at advancing a different dimension, which perhaps de-emphasises sliminess and concentrates on other aspects such as beauty of the heart as well as beauty of being truly health through use of natural means such as healthy food, and exercises. Role of community/Team In terms of beauty at least every one grows knowing a beautiful colleague. It is hard to fail to arrive at consensus on who is beautiful than, who usually the judgement does not need experts but each society is socially constructed in such a way that, it has attribute and even values which as highly associated with beauty, it is these values than the community and ones peers hold about being beautiful and what is beauty that, make the role of community and peer central to the understanding of beauty. The society especially peers have enhanced the constructing of beauty as thinness is that, even in most cultures, being overweight is more revered than being under weight. This clearly points to the fact that, thinness has been taken to be a synonym for beauty and vice versa. Conclusion As long as society continues to give more power to thinner women, eating disorders will continue. Women are expected to look and act a certain way in order to have a small portion of the power men have. As feminist we must help create a society that avoids discrimination. Eventually that is the only way that we will help alleviate many issues women deal with, such as eating disorders. How to cite Social construction gender, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Epilepsy Essay Research Paper EpilepsyEpilepsy is a free essay sample

Epilepsy Essay, Research Paper Epilepsy Epilepsy is a chronic upset characterized by recurrent ictuss. Seizures are defined as go throughing neurological abnormalcies caused by unregulated electrical encephalon discharge, a direct consequence of unusual electrical activity in the encephalon. They can last anyplace from a few seconds to a few proceedingss, and uncontrolled. These ictuss themselves are non the disease, they may be a mark of upset such as epilepsy. Epilepsy affects about one per centum of the general population of the United States. There is no specific age group, race, nationality or societal degree the suffers from this upset. Some people outgrow it and hold no demand for medicine. While others can populate full and normal lives with the proper interventions. Some people enduring from epilepsy are warned about an at hand ictus hours before it occurs, alterations such as a concern, alteration in temper, lethargy or nonvoluntary jolt are some of the common symptoms that tend to predate a ictus. We will write a custom essay sample on Epilepsy Essay Research Paper EpilepsyEpilepsy is a or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These symptoms are different from the aura or feeling that precedes a generalised ictus and comes seconds or proceedingss before the existent ictus. In most people, nevertheless, ictus are unpredictable and unrelated to the individual s current state of affairs some external determina National Trusts may trip ictuss though. Lack of slumber, emotional emphasis, missed repasts, intoxicant ingestion/withdrawal, even fever or some infections may bring forth ictuss. There are many possible cause of epilepsy but in more than half the causes, the precise cause can non be determined. An familial inclination to develop the upset occurs in the households of some patients. Some of the known cause include caput hurts, shots, premature birth, infective disease, complicated bringings, or drug use/withdrawal. General intervention steps include drug therapy with the end of the preventing farther onslaughts. The discontinuation of intervention depends on the opinion of single doctors The drug intervention utilised depends on the type of ictus. the drug is addition bit by bit until ictus are controlled. Monitoring plasma drug degrees is necessary for some indicants due to varied curative response based on blood concentration. In instances when epilepsy is cause by a tumour in the encephalon, or when medicine fails to command ictuss, surgery may be an alternate. Physicians may order and supervise a type of diet known as a ketogenic diet if medicines have non been able to sop ictuss. Most people with epilepsy can take normal lives. The earlier intervention begins, the better the consequence.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Sub Urbanization Essays - Urban Decay, Urban Studies And Planning

Sub Urbanization After World War II the concept of life in America began a new. The process of sub urbanization began in cities all across the nation. Today the cities of yesteryear are gone and life as we knew it ended. However, people do not want it to end. They still want the American Dream; the house in the suburbs, the good job, the wife, car and 2.4 kids playing in the yard. These people have been the driving force in the division of socioeconomic status, and the division of race in the suburbs. They accomplish this through local governments and the decisions made through them. Though what has been created, by all of this over the years, isn't necessarily bad, but it has hurt the country in ways that we did not expect. When soldiers returned from the war they were greeted with open arms and a new booming economy. It was this booming economy, of service-oriented jobs, that allowed the middle class of people the opportunity to move away from their jobs and separate their work from their home. Also during that time we were still, as a country, practicing racial segregation, which is part of the reason for the racial inequalities in the suburbs today. These new communities, of mostly white nuclear families, were now in need of a council to make the decisions that needed to be made for their area. They didn't want the city to make these decisions for them since they were so far away. Also since most people worked in the city, they wanted to continue with the dream of keeping home and work separate. Therefore they banded together as neighborhoods and communities to make the decisions that affected that area on a daily basis. The benefit of this was that now they had almost total autonomy from the poor and the lower class they so quickly left behind in the city. This is where the socioeconomic division began. The people of the suburbs loved their lives. They lived around the people of the same socioeconomic status and were separated from their work. Time went on and the suburbs slowly became racially integrated, but only by the educated wealthy minorities. Life in the suburbs was good until we started to notice the decline in the life lead by the inner-city folk. We as the good, moral country that we are, decided we needed to do something about them. Which actually was a good idea on paper, but the reality of it, is that it didn't work out as we had hoped. The suburban councils/governments had created laws and other things that had reduced the amount of space that would be allowed for the renewal of the lower class and poor. The original settlers of the suburbs had done two things to keep their wonderful life-styles. The first thing that some areas did was to raise the housing prices of the area to the point that nobody else could afford to move in. They did this by building extravagant houses and spending their money on their schools. The second thing, often done in conjunction with the first, was to actually write into law that there shall be no low-income housing in that area. By doing this, the suburbs stayed safe and the feeling of community was saved for the time being. The pursuit of the American Dream is not a bad thing. It is actually a fundamental part of our economy. Capitalism is based on the fact that there will always be a caste system. But the rapid suburbanization, also known as white-flight, helped to create a greater disparity in the lives of the lower class and the lives of the upper class. In other words suburbs and their suburban councils have beaten the economic system and created one where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. There is no real way to rectify the situation at this time, so all we can do is wait for another economic change to help lift the poor. However, what we can do is help to prepare them by fixing their housing and educating them. The suburbs have always been a place of retreat for the wealthy, they will always be, and there is nothing we can do to change that. The wealthy will always find a way to stay ahead as long as they can. Whether they do it through shear wealth, laws that restrict the poor, or through laws that restrict other races, they will do it

Monday, November 25, 2019

Should You Participate in the National Student Leadership Conference

Should You Participate in the National Student Leadership Conference SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Have you heard of the National Student Leadership Conference (NSLC)? Maybe you’ve heard that participating in NSLC is a great way to impress colleges, and you’re wondering if that’s true. Spoiler: If you're considering NSLC because you think it's prestigious, you'd be dead wrong. Keep reading to learn why. This guide will go over exactly what NSLC is, what its potential benefits and drawbacks are, and how you can decide if you should participate in one of its programs. What Is NSLC? The National Student Leadership Conference is a program that hosts career-focused leadership conferences for select high school students (as well as some programs for middle school students) over the summer. The NSLC markets itself as a highly selective program that only accepts students with exceptional leadership and academic skills. During the program, students live in college dorms and attend NSLC-hosted lectures and activities on campus. Program activities can include classes and lectures, guest speakers, leadership workshops, and off-campus field trips. NSLC markets their programs as a way to help participants gain leadership skills and learn about future careers while experiencing life on a college campus. Programs are offered in 21 different fields, such as international diplomacy, engineering, and theater. These programs are between 6 and 18 days in length, depending on the subject they focus on. NSLC offers programs on the campuses of 13 universities (although not all program fields are offered on each campus): Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA) Northwestern University (Chicago, IL) UCLA (Los Angeles, CA) University of California-Berkeley (San Francisco, CA) Fordham University (New York City, NY) Georgia Tech (Atlanta, GA) University of Washington (Seattle, WA) American University (Washington DC) Georgetown University (Washington DC) Rice University (Houston, TX) Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) Yale University (New Haven, CT) Yale-NUS College (Singapore) How Do You Apply to NSLC? Anyone who is currently a high school student and has a â€Å"B† average or higher is eligible to apply for NSLC. The first step is being nominated or identified as a potential candidate for the program. You can be nominated by a teacher, counselor, or NSLC alum. You may also be identified through certain talent development programs, such as the College Board Student Search Service and the ACT EOS. Even if you aren’t nominated, you can still apply for admission on NSLC’s website as a merit applicant. Merit applicants must demonstrate strong academics and leadership potential and must also have a counselor or teacher submit a recommendation form. Those who were nominated and those who had their merit application accepted then complete the Enrollment Application. You are required to submit a $500 deposit with your application that will be applied to your tuition if you choose to take an NSLC program or will be refunded if you are not accepted or choose not to enroll. Students who are accepted into the program will then be e-mailed an Acceptance Packet that includes forms you are required to complete. After you have submitted those forms, you will be able to enroll in the NSLC program of your choice. How Competitive Is NSLC? The National Student Leadership Conference markets itself as a program exclusively for top students and future leaders. In their marketing materials, NSLC emphasizes the fact that students must be nominated as a way to show its "competitiveness." However, these nominations are sent to thousands of students each year, most of whom NSLC knows very little about. Additionally, being nominated is not required to attend NSLC. Any high school student can still apply without first being nominated. While NSLC claims to be an exclusive organization that only selects the best students, the reality is that the program accepts most applicants, as long as they have above-average grades (specifically a "B" average) and can get a nomination or letter of recommendation. NSLC programs can have benefits, which I discuss in more detail in the following sections, but it's important for students and their parents to know that neither being nominated for NSLC nor attending one of its programs shows any exceptional academic or leadership skills on the part of the student. What Are the Benefits of Participating in NSLC? So does that mean the NSLC is all bad? Not at all. Below are the main benefits you can get from attending an NSLC program. Benefit #1: Learn About Specific Careers One major benefit of NSLC is that you can choose a program in the field you want to work in, such as medicine, law, or business. The programs are designed to provide hands-on experience in that field. For example, participants in the engineering program build wind turbines and water purification systems and also learn about new technology being used in engineering. These experiences can help you gain skills you can use later on for college and future jobs. They can also give you a taste of what a future career might be like so that you have a better idea of what you want to study in college. You may find that you actually don’t like a certain career at all, and it’s better to learn this now than when you’re already in college and have spent a lot of time and money on a major you no longer want to pursue. Benefit #2: Gain Leadership Skills Every NSLC program includes workshops and lectures designed to help develop the leadership potential of participants. By learning how to be effective leaders and using those skills throughout the conference, students can return from the program more confident in their leadership abilities and more willing to take charge in future situations. Colleges and employers both like seeing leadership experience in applicants. Benefit #3: Form New Relationships Each NSLC program includes lectures by industry professionals. These guest lecturers, who are often leaders in their field, speak with students and answer their questions. The lectures that NSLC provides give students a chance to hear more about what a particular career is like and have their questions answered by someone who has a great deal of experience in that field. Students also often form personal relationships at NSLC programs. After spending several days with other high-achieving students, many participants return home with new friends who are often interested in the same careers that they are. After the program ends, these friends can provide advice when you are looking at different colleges, majors, and jobs. Like these sheep, you may make a new friend at an NSLC program. Benefit #4: Experience College Life Participating in an NSLC program can also introduce you to college and collegiate life. All NSLC conferences take place on college campuses, and students are housed in college dorms. Living on campus can be very helpful for students who may not know much about college and want to get a taste of it while still in high school. There is also the option of receiving up to three college credits for your work at NSLC. However, students interested in earning college credit should be aware that this comes with an extra fee ($790 per credit hour), and not all colleges will accept credits earned at an NSLC program. This is discussed in more detail in the next section. Want to boost your college admissions profile in just a few hours? Our new six-hour admissions course gives you the tools to improve your college acceptance chances. Great for students who don't have the time or budget for full-on admissions consulting, this course focuses on college admissions essentials. You'll learn both what the most important parts of your college admissions profile are and which of these are most responsive to intervention, depending on what stage of the college admissions process you're in. What Are the Drawbacks of Participating in NSLC? While NSLC can have benefits, there are also drawbacks to participating in one of its programs. I discuss some of the most important drawbacks to these programs below. Drawback #1: Programs Are Often Short Most NSLC programs last only a few days, with the longest lasting 18 days. While this may be enough time to introduce you to a subject and give you some hands-on experience, it would be very difficult to gain much in-depth knowledge in such a short time. Students looking for thorough and detailed knowledge of a particular job or career field will likely not be able to gain the amount of information they are looking for from an NSLC program. The short program length can also make it difficult to cultivate strong relationships with both program mentors and other participants. Drawback #2: Program Cost Even though they are short, NSLC programs often have a high price tag. Programs range in cost from $2495-$5295, which includes meals, housing, transportation, and materials. However, if a student wants to earn college credit, this requires an additional fee ($790 per credit hour). Spending several thousand dollars on a short program can be difficult for many high school students and their families. NSLC does offer some scholarships and offers tips for fundraising to help offset costs; however, students should expect to pay the entire cost. It's possible to have the same or similar experiences to those of an NSLC program for a fraction of the cost. This option is discussed in more detail in the following section. Drawback #3: Not as Exclusive as Marketed The NSLC markets itself as a highly competitive program that only invites and accepts top-notch students. However, like many similar organizations that claim to promote student leadership, NSLC send invitations to thousands of students each year in an attempt to maximize the number of students who enroll in their programs. While NSLC emphasizes the fact that students are â€Å"invited† to attend as an indicator of its prestige, any student can apply to the program without receiving an invitation. Most students with decent grades (at least a â€Å"B† average) and some extracurriculars will likely be accepted by NSLC, making it not all that competitive. Want to build the best possible college application? We can help. PrepScholar Admissions is the world's best admissions consulting service. We combine world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've overseen thousands of students get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit. We want to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in. Should You Participate in NSLC? So, how useful is NSLC? It depends on why you’re interested in participating. Some people find NSLC programs fun and informative while others see them as overpriced resume padding. There are good reasons for attending an NSLC program and reasons that are not as strong. Think carefully about why you are interested in attending, and read on to help make your decision. Good Reasons to Attend NSLC You want to learn more about a specific career field. You want to meet students with similar interests. You want to experience collegiate life. An NSLC program can be a good way to get an introduction to a specific career and gain more hands-on experience than you would likely get in a classroom. Attending one of these conferences also gives you a chance to meet other students with strong academics and who are interested in the same career field. Sometimes these connections can become lasting friendships. Also, if you are curious or a bit nervous about college and want to know what it’s like to live in a dorm and find classes on campus, you can experience that at an NSLC program. If you can afford the cost of an NSLC program and one or more of the above reasons interest you, then you may want to look more seriously into applying. However, be aware that NSLC programs are not the only way to achieve any of these goals. If you are unable to attend an NSLC program, there are multiple other ways to have similar experiences. Students who want to learn more about a specific career can do an internship or job shadow, and those who want to meet students with similar interests can join a club, either in school or outside of school. Students who want to experience college can visit a school they are interested in; many colleges offer overnight stays in the dorms to students who are interested in attending that school. Some colleges also offer dual enrollment, which lets high school students take college classes while still in high school. An NSLC program can give you an introduction to college. Weak Reasons for Attending an NSLC Program While there are certainly good reasons for participating in an NSLC program, there are also reasons that you should not use to justify attending. Several of these reasons are given below, and, for each reason, an alternative solution is given that you may want to consider instead of an NSLC program. Weak Reason #1: You Think It Will Impress Colleges The truth is that having an NSLC program on your resume or college application is not any more prestigious or impressive than other extracurricular activities, such as being on the school soccer team or being a member of the baking club. Colleges don’t need to see that you participated in an NSLC program in order to determine that you're smart or a good leader; they can see those things simply by looking at your grades, extracurricular activities, and letters of recommendation. Alternative Idea: Gain expertise and leadership experience through your extracurriculars. If you are looking to strengthen your college applications by having strong extracurriculars, choose activities that relate to your interests and allow you to obtain leadership positions. Sticking with an extracurricular, no matter what it is, and acquiring more responsibility is more impressive than a short-term NSLC program because it gives schools a better idea of your interests and abilities. If you need help deciding which activities to do, we have a list of hundreds of extracurriculars for you to browse! Weak Reason #2: You Want In-Depth Knowledge of a Certain Career While NSLC programs can teach you about a career and give you the chance to do related hands-on activities and hear from people in that profession, the programs are simply too short to provide a thorough knowledge of a particular career. Alternative Idea: If you are looking for a way get in-depth knowledge on a career, consider doing an internship. Internships generally last from several weeks to several months and will give you much more time to learn the details and responsibilities of a particular job. Check out our in-depth guide to internships for high school students. Weak Reason #3: You Want to Network With Professionals The NSLC has a history of having prestigious guest speakers give lectures to program participants. While these guest lecturers are often leaders in their field and are very knowledgeable, you shouldn’t sign up for the NSLC thinking it will give you the opportunity to network with them and potentially get an internship or job. Most of the guest lecturers simply give their presentation and answer questions afterward, with no opportunity for students to speak with them individually. Alternative Idea: Do an internship or a job shadow. If you are interested in getting to know professionals in a certain career field personally, both of these options give you more opportunities to talk one-on-one. By working directly with professionals or observing them, you will be more memorable than if you were simply sitting in the audience, and this will make it more likely for them to remember you and possibly recommend you for future jobs. NSLC programs may not get you all the networking opportunities you were hoping for. Weak Reason #4: You Want to Earn College Credit While it is possible to earn college credit during an NSLC program, this should not be the main reason for you to enroll in it. Through NSLC, students can earn up to three college credits, which is the equivalent of one regular college class. Three college credits will cost $2370, and this is on top of the standard program fee. Having one college class out of the way will not help you graduate college any sooner or give you much of a head start. Additionally, many colleges do not accept these credits because they didn’t take place in a classroom environment and were earned over a short period of time. This means that there is a good chance that the college credit earned in an NSLC program won’t be accepted by the college you choose to go to, and, even if it is, those credits will be expensive to get and will only count for one class, usually a general elective. Alternative Idea: Take classes at your local community college or university or concentrate on AP or IB classes. If you are interested in earning college credits, you can often earn more and for much less money by passing AP or IB exams (which many colleges accept as college credit) or by taking classes at a community college. Some high schools will also pay for you to take classes at a nearby college or university, which could save you thousands of dollars. Summary: Is NSLC Worth Your Time and Money? The National Student Leadership Conference is a program that it can offer beneficial and interesting opportunities for high school students, but not in a way that is better or more prestigious than other extracurriculars. While the NSLC can help participants learn more about certain career fields, meet new people, and experience college life, there are many other ways for students to have each of these experiences, such as by joining a club or completing a job shadow. The high price tag of NSLC programs deters many people, and the fact that most of these programs last only a few days makes it difficult for participants to get in-depth knowledge or develop close relationships. Despite its claims of being a prestigious and competitive program, the NSLC mails thousands of invitations to students each year, and colleges do not find participating in the program any more impressive than a normal summer camp or extracurricular like a sport or school club. If you can afford it and think that an NSLC program would be a good experience, then consider attending one; many past participants have had good experiences. However, if you cannot or would rather not participate, don’t worry about missing out on some prestigious opportunity that will help you get into college. Remember, there are many ways to get the same benefits that NSLC offers that are likely closer to home and less expensive. What's Next? Want to know what a great extracurricular looks like? Check out these 4 amazing examples of extracurriculars for college applications. Considering a job shadow? Check out our guide on everything you need to know about how to find and do a great job shadow! Aiming for an Ivy League School? Then read our famous guide on the secrets to getting into Harvard and the Ivy League, written by a Harvard grad. Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points? We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now:

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Informatics in Healthcare Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Informatics in Healthcare - Research Paper Example Out of the 225 participants, 20 were interviewed personally whereas another 134 were interacted through questionnaire method. In order to collect information from the remaining 71 health organizations the tool of virtual interview was employed. For different reasons, 11 participants did not cooperate with the study and hence their responses could not be included. Medical informatics, clinical informatics, nursing informatics, pharmacy informatics, and biomedical informatics are some of the major branches that use the scope of informatics in healthcare. Many respondents claimed that the concept of healthcare informatics has benefited them to make use the expertise of health ‘informaticians’ in managing resources, standardizing medical care, and coordinating education and research initiatives. One of the key findings of the study is that healthcare informatics is a potential strategy to address the issue of growing healthcare costs because it avoids inefficient processes t hat contribute to nearly 50% of unwanted health costs in the United States. In addition, it is identified that health informatics can play a crucial role in eliminating the chances of medical errors and possible lawsuits. The most important knowledge obtained from this research paper is that health records management is the greatest advantage of healthcare informatics. Efficiency of electronic health records greatly depends on the performance of health informatics. Evidently, effective use of electronic health records can aid physicians to gain quick access to the health history of a patient in an emergency situation and respond fast in order to manage that particular situation. The respondents also indicate that healthcare informatics would assist healthcare professionals to keep track of the health trends in a region and to analyze health outcomes for a large population. Physicians may also utilize this system to increase

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

My intrest of studing Computer science Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

My intrest of studing Computer science - Essay Example l out of trend and is constantly required in further enhancing technology for various aspects of living, I have decided to obtain mastery of the course as applied to my recent undertakings in medical physics. Beginning with the fundamental concepts of matter, energy, and motion, I am fascinated with the truth that physics has never ceased to be explored and applied in several ways. It brings to recognition how the study of space-time quantum relations can be of huge support in medical studies that is why I would like to proceed on a higher endeavor to see how else and to what extent natural science may find great relevance in the field of medicine. Despite the state of economy and society in the modern times, I understand the growing demands which the health industry ought to meet in order to save and improve human lives. At a point in time in the future, thus, I hope to be designated in a professional career by which my potentials can be made capable of reaching out to people whose illnesses could be neurophysiologic in nature for this is one such major concern medical physics is amply into. On this ground, I desire to pursue graduate studies in computer science, believing that this wou ld enable me to acquire pertinent knowledge and skills in conducting my research of interest on physical medical computing area. With physical medical computing, I am confident that there is much learning to deal with in terms of analytical work with software systems to enable programming of physical medical operations. This I foresee might involve a number of sensing and controlling tasks from which to discover appropriate measures of cure to be administered over a range of sensitive neurological cases for instance. Thus, in the process of earning a master’s degree in computer science, I look forward to being able to access rich academic resources, brilliant faculty staff, and up-to-date technology-based facilities which I strongly believe the institution can provide with

Monday, November 18, 2019

Engineering and Technology versus the natural Environment Essay

Engineering and Technology versus the natural Environment - Essay Example More recently of course, particularly during the late 19th century and early 20th century, a great array of scientific and technical discoveries were made which directly affected the way in which mankind viewed its environment as something to be changed to meet its needs and desires more conveniently. With engineering innovations came bigger houses, transportation systems, increased infrastructure and urban development. All of these things, once made apparent to mankind, did not remain novelties for long, but soon became seen as essential and a practical and fundamental aspect to civilised living, without which, human needs were not being met. The famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow explains this shift in thought in his ‘hierarchy of needs’ theory (1973). This theory explains that human needs are based upon which needs have already been met. At the bottom of the hierarchy, are the more physical human needs of shelter and nourishment. When these are difficult to come by, they are essentially all that is felt to be ‘needed’ by the individual. It is only when these needs are met, that the person feels a need for something else, which according to this theory, would be things like friendship and family. At the top of the hierarchy, are much more emotional needs such as self-actualisation, professional achievement and similar. The point is, as the world became built up and urbanised, and more tools and aesthetic factors thus became more common, people’s needs and expectations fundamentally changed.... de apparent to mankind, did not remain novelties for long, but soon became seen as essential and a practical and fundamental aspect to civilised living, without which, human needs were not being met. The famous psychologist, Abraham Maslow explains this shift in thought in his ‘hierarchy of needs’ theory (1973). This theory explains that human needs are based upon which needs have already been met. At the bottom of the hierarchy, are the more physical human needs of shelter and nourishment. When these are difficult to come by, they are essentially all that is felt to be ‘needed’ by the individual. It is only when these needs are met, that the person feels a need for something else, which according to this theory, would be things like friendship and family. At the top of the hierarchy, are much more emotional needs such as self-actualisation, professional achievement and similar. The point is, as the world became built up and urbanised, and more tools and aes thetic factors thus became more common, people’s needs and expectations fundamentally changed. Quite paradoxically, as the world has radically shifted in its desires to become increasingly civilised, archeologically impressive and technologically convenient, so too has the global interest in maintaining the natural environment. In recent decades, the adverse impact that technology and engineering has had upon the natural environment has become increasingly apparent and worrisome, as rainforest destruction is widespread and climate changes have reached shocking levels. Environmental groups have long been urging people to acknowledge the crucial importance of maintaining the natural environment, not just because of the vital role that its elements play in sustaining life, but because of its beauty and

Friday, November 15, 2019

Problem Solving and Decision Making Strategies

Problem Solving and Decision Making Strategies Background Problem solving and decision-making are important skills for business and life. Problem solving often involves decision-making, and decision-making is especially important for management and leadership. There are processes and techniques to improve decision-making and the quality of decisions. Decision-making is more natural to certain personalities, so these people should focus more on improving the quality of their decisions. People that are less natural decision-makers are often able to make quality assessments, but then need to be more decisive in acting upon the assessments made. Problem solving and decision-making are closely linked, and each requires creativity in identifying and developing options, for which the brainstorming technique, as this thesis is particularly useful. Collection of data and findings of RH cars There are two types of data collection methods; they are primary data collection and secondary data collection. Primary Data Collection: Primary data collection can be deemed as bespoke and therefore time consuming and costly. Secondary Collection Data: Secondary data include general reports supplied to an enterprise by various data services. Such reports might concern market share, retail inventory levels and consumer buying behaviour. The data collection for any car manufacturer can be used questionnaires to collect data in conjunction with published sources such as annual reports, price lists, and actual sales records. For cost reasons it could not conduct observations of on the-job application, interviews, or focus groups. Instead, rather ascertained the key metrics that would drive business impact (number of units sold and margin per unit realized) from the questionnaire and then validated the metrics with actual figures confirmed by the client. One key survey is the monthly Customer Satisfaction Index, tracked by RH Financial, which directly measures end customer satisfaction regarding the financial services obtained in the dealership. These provide the management team with data. The actions that need to be taken to drive these metrics the right way are sometimes more elusive in an industry that has very little customer contact once an account is set up. Survey methodology and frame used A systematic method for gathering information from (a sample of) individuals for the purposes of describing the attributes of the larger population of which the individuals are members. The attributes attempt to describe basic characteristics or experiences of large and small populations in our world. RH survey features Information is gathered by asking customer questions. Information is collected either by having interviewers ask questions and record answers or by having people read or hear questions and record their answers. Information is collected from only a subset of the population to be described (a sample)rather than from all members. Surveys are used extensively in car manufacturer industry to assess attitudes and characteristics of a wide range of cars and also new models. When information is obtained, or data is measured, the method, or process used to gather information, greatly affects the results. The extreme complaints might not represent the attitudes of the whole group. Similarly, measuring or counting data depends on the instrument or method used. The basing judgments on customer complaints alone ignored the general population of other opinions, which should be judged together, such as in a statistical sample of the whole statistics. A questionnaire for a particular purpose Please select which best represents your views. 1. Overall satisfaction All things considered, please rate your overall satisfaction withà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 1a RH Credit Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 1b Your selling dealership Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 1c Your vehicle Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2. About your finance/lease contract Please rate your satisfaction with 2a Finance/Lease transaction overall Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2b Ease of obtaining financing Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2c Speed of approval for financing Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2d Explanation of financing terms and conditions at the dealership Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2e Ease of understanding the content of your finance contract Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2f Timeliness of receiving your Welcome Pack/your contract Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 2g Accuracy of documents we sent Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3. Contact with RH Credit 3a Have you contacted RHCredit with a question or problem related to your contract Yes No 3b Your contact experience with RHCredit Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Thinking about the representative you dealt with, how satisfied are you with theà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 3c Ease of making contact with the right person/employee to answer your question or resolve your problem Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3d Courtesy of the representative Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3e Responsiveness of the representative Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 3f Representatives ability to answer your question completely and accurately3h Representatives follow-through on promised actions Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied Thinking about your most recent contactà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 3g How many times did you contact RHCredit before your question or problem was resolved Completely Satisfied Very Satisfied Fairly Satisfied Somewhat dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 4. Future intentions Based on your experience, would youà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ 4a Recommend RHCredit to a friend or family member Definitely Would Probably Would Might or might not Probably would not Definitely would not 4b Recommend your selling dealership Definitely Would Probably Would Might or might not Probably would not Definitely would not 4c Recommend your make/model of vehicle Definitely Would Probably Would Might or might not Probably would not Definitely would not Summarizing data using representative values, and use the results to draw valid and useful conclusions for RH Cars. The root-cause analysis helped RH to identify key factors that tend to lengthen decision cycles. They included inadequate training in the clear communications of alternatives, absence of a good model of teamwork, and a control-oriented management philosophy. Decision-making increasingly happens at all levels of a business. The Board of Directors may make the grand strategic decisions about investment and direction of future growth, and managers may make the more tactical decisions about how their own department may contribute most effectively to the overall business objectives. But quite ordinary employees are increasingly expected to make decisions about the conduct of their own tasks, responses to customers and improvements to business practice. This needs careful recruitment and selection, good training, and enlightened management. Types of Business Decisions Programmed Decisions can be written down into a series of fixed steps which anyone can follow. They could even be written as computer program Non-Programmed Decisions. These are non-standard and non-routine. Each decision is not quite the same as any previous decision. Strategic Decisions. These affect whether to take over Company A or Company B Tactical Decisions. These are medium-term decisions about what kind of marketing to have, or how many extra staff to recruit Operational Decisions. These are short-term decisions, about which firm to use to make deliveries. Analyse data using measures of dispersion, and use to inform RH cars. A proper description of a set of data should include both of these characteristics. There are various methods that can be used to measure the dispersion of a dataset, each with its own set of advantages and disadvantages. These statistics describe how the data varies or is dispersed (spread out). The two most commonly used measures of dispersion are the range and the standard deviation. Rather than showing how data are similar, they show how data differs (its variation, spread, or dispersion). The study of dispersion is very important in statistical data. If in a certain car Manufacturer Company like RH there is consistence in the wages of workers, the workers will be satisfied. But if some workers have high wages and some have low wages, there will be unrest among the low paid workers and they might go on strikes and arrange demonstrations. It is reasonable to expect greater dispersion of wage increases to be associated with higher monetary incentives, but also with increased percep tions of unfairness. The authors analysis of linked employer-employee data from Denmark for the years 1992-97 shows that the dispersion of wage growth within firms generally had a negative association with firm performance. The results are robust across industries and categories of firm size, but are mainly driven by white-collar rather than blue-collar workers. Quartiles, percentiles, correlation coefficient Quartiles: One of the three numbers (values) that divide a range of data into four equal parts. The first quartile (also called lower quartile) is the number below which lies the 25 percent of the bottom data. The second quartile (the median) divides the range in the middle and has 50 percent of the data below it. The third quartile (also called upper quartile) has 75 percent of the data below it and the top 25 percent of the data above it. See also interquartile range and percentile. Percentile: A score equal to or greater than 97 percent of those attained on an examination is said to be in the 97th percentile. Percentiles are values that divide a set of observations into 100 equal parts. The percentile rank is the proportion of values in a distribution that a specific value is greater than or equal to. For example, if an individual received a mark of 95% on a math test and that mark was greater than or equal to the marks of 88% of students then that mark would place that individual in the 88th percentile. Correlation coefficient: A measure that determines the degree to which two variables movements are associated. Statistical measure of the degree to which the movements of two variables are related. n statistics, a measurement of the degree to which two things vary together. The maximum value for a correlation coefficient is 1.00, which occurs when two variables have a perfect positive correlation. A negative correlation coefficient indicates two variables that have an indirect relationship. 3.1 A range of graphs using spreadsheets line, pie, bar charts The following figure shows the auto sales in July 2009: Car cost can be divided into following major factors: Below is a graph of about lease is probably the way to go at cars. Get in for a couple or three years while the car is new (i.e. is at the most reliable part of its lifespan), then get out. Problems of cars on the road is given below: 3.2 Spreadsheet graphs to assist in forecasting for specified business information Half of the respondents in a European survey listed fuel consumption as a priority when buying a new car. The survey was performed in March and April 2007 and included respondents from twelve European countries. Safety, price and reliability were named by more than half of the respondents as a priority. Priorities when buying a new car Q: Which are your priorities when buying a new car?    Share of European Respondents Safety 73.1% Price 63.7% Reliability 57.8% Fuel Consumption 49.7% Comfort 36.9% Design 18.3% Size 17.9% Exhaust Gas 15.6% Color 3.4% . Surveys are constructed also to find out the target audience needs of the car such as luggage space, passenger seats, also size of the car. These are some interesting things that I picked up during the people study done through interviews and surveys: The highest priority of people is Cost and Efficiency. This is shown in the graph I generated according to the results of the surveys. 30.44% of the answers I received out of the 40 people who filled the surveys are related to cost and efficiency. 13.77% of the answers are actually stating the customers are happy with their cars efficiency. However on the other hand, 16.67% of the answers state the opposite. The main complaints of people who have cost issues with their cars are: The petrol is costing too much. The car requires servicing quite often and the cost of the service is expensive. The car parts are expensive when you need to replace them. On top of all those costs, they still need to pay for car insurance and registration. The second highest priority is the Exterior of the car. The answers shown in the survey reach to a conclusion that: More people are moving to small and more compact vehicles and they actually like the fact that their cars are compact. A few people actually want small cars because of the fact that they are easier to drive and park. This is a very interesting point because not only small cars are easier to drive and park but they also reduce congestion on the road. Less congestion means less traffic and also more parking space. Some people are happy with how their car looks but they do not really like the fact that the car gets dirty. This shows that quite a lot of people do not enjoy washing their cars and this could mean two things. First, the people actually do not see the interaction with their cars as an enjoyable activity and they see their cars just as a utility to take them from A to B. Second, It could also mean that they enjoy the interaction but they do not have the time to do the car washing due to their other priorities. Whichever reason, the interaction of people and cars should be more enjoyable to make more people want to buy a certain car. Preparing a formal business report RH has instituted a number of business practices with suppliers designed to increase collaboration, provide for data transparency and expand the volume of business with select suppliers, while building a more sustainable business model. They have also been able to reduce the total number of production suppliers eligible for major sourcing from RH from 3,300 to approximately 1,600 suppliers today, with a further reduction to 750 suppliers planned. We have paid specific attention to strengthening their minority and women suppliers which currently account for about $4 billion of their annual $35 billion of purchases from U.S. supplier locations. Our consolidation efforts have resulted, and will result, in more business for our major suppliers, which will increase their financial strength. Moreover, as RH moves aggressively to global vehicle platforms, sourcing to common suppliers for the total global volume of a vehicles components is dramatically increasing, meaning that a smaller number of suppliers will receive a greater volume of the purchases made by RH to support our global vehicle platform. RHs dealers are a source of strength, especially our rural/small town dealers, who represent the face of RH in communities across the U.S. and provide employment, tax support, community leadership and customer service. At their current and expected future market share, they clearly have too many dealers and therefore have made it increasingly difficult to sustain a healthy and profitable dealer network. To address this overcapacity, RH is partnering with our dealers and are downsizing and restructuring the RH, Lincoln and Mercury network in our largest 130 metropolitan market areas to provide targeted average-year sales for RH dealers at 1,500+ units and Lincoln Mercury deal ers at 600+ units, resulting in sustainable profits in both good and bad years. We are doing this while maintaining customer convenience factors such as driving distance, location, and appealing facilities. We have joined with our dealers to fund these consolidation actions jointly to protect our representation in the marketplace. To further reduce costs, RH recently made several significant changes to our Compensation and Benefit plans, including: (i) eliminating merit increases and bonuses due to be paid in 2009; (ii) suspending the Companys 401(k) matching contribution, and Company-paid tuition assistance and dependent scholarships; (iii) capping retiree life insurance at $25,000; and (iv) improving the costeffectiveness of benefit programs through more efficient plan offerings and increased employee cost sharing. With respect to the hourly work force in the United States, RH and the UAW agreed to a transformational labor agreement in 2007, the benefits of which are only beginning to be realized. Under this agreement, our hourly labor cost disadvantage compared to the transplants will be substantially reduced, although not completely eliminated. These labor costs savings should begin to materialize as they have the opportunity to bring workers into the workforce at the new wage levels Product excellence through leadership in fuel economy, innovation, quality, safety, and leading edge comfort and convenience technology; Substantial and continuous improvement in engineering and investment efficiency facilitated by leveraging the global assets of One RH and a reduction in the number of vehicle platforms, engines, transmissions, and customer offered complexity; and à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢ Significant improvement in the profitability of small cars. Balanced Portfolio. They are leveraging our global product strengths to deliver six new world-class small and medium sized vehicles to the United States over the next four years. This will enable our car and crossover product segment mix to increase from 48% to 60% and result in volume and share growth. They are targeting sales leadership in people movers and crossovers through addition of new vehicles (such as the RH Flex) and redefining existing vehicles (such as the RH Explorer). Management information systems and information processing tools for operational, tactical and strategic levels of the organization The Concept of management information systems originated in the 1960s and become the byword of almost all attempts to relate computer technology and systems to data processing in business. During the early 1960s, it became evident that the computer was being applied to the solution of business problem in a piecemeal fashion, focusing almost entirely on the computerization of clerical and record keeping tasks. The concepts of management information systems were developed to counteract such in efficient development and in effective use of the computer. An organization must control the operations in the light of the plans and targets developed in the planning process. The car manufacturer must know if manufacturing operations are in line with the targets and if not, he must make decisions to correct the deviation or revise his plans. Similarly the wholesaler will want to know the impacts that his commissions have had on sales and make decisions to correct adverse trends. The municipal corporation will need to control the tendering process and contractors who will execute the pumping station plans. Generally, MIS is concerned with planning and control. Often there are elaborate systems for information that assists operations. For example, the car manufacturer will have a system for providing information to the workers on the shop floor about the job that needs to be done on a particular batch of material. There may be route sheets, which accompany the rate materials and components in their movement through various machines. This system per se provides only information to support operation. It has no managerial decision-making significance. Generally MIS has all the ingredients that are employed in providing information support to manager to making planning and control decisions. Managers often use historical data on an organizations activities as well as current status data make planning and control decisions. Such data comes from a database, which is contained in files maintained by the organization. This database is an essential component of an MIS. Manual procedures that are used to collect and process information and computer hardware are obvious ingredients of an MIS. These also form part of the MIS. In summary, when we say that an MIS is an integrated man machine systems that provided information to supports the planning and control function of managers in an origination. It does the following function. Sub serves managerial function Collects stores, evaluates information systematically and routinely Supports planning and control decisions Includes files, hardware, software, software and operations research models. Effective management information systems are needed by all business organization because of the increased complexity and rate of change of todays business environment. For Example, Marketing manager need information about sales performance and trends, financial manger returns, production managers needs information analysing resources requirement and worker productivity and personnel manager require information concerning employee compensation and professional development. Thus, effective management information systems must be developed to provide modern managers with the specific marketing, financial, production and personnel information products they required to support their decision making responsibilities. Iinventory control systems in Organisation An inventory control system is a set of hardware and software based tools that automate the process of tracking inventory. The kinds of inventory tracked with an inventory control system can include almost any type of quantifiable good, including food, clothing, books, equipment, and any other item that consumers, retailers, or wholesalers may purchase. Modern inventory control systems are almost exclusively based on barcode technology. Though barcodes were initially developed to automate the process of grocery store checkout, their ability to encode a wide variety of alphabetic and numeric symbols makes them ideal for encoding merchandise for inventory applications. Inventory control systems work in real-time using wireless technology to transmit information to a central computer system as transactions occur. Inventory control systems are employed in a wide variety of applications, but they all revolve around tracking delivery of goods to customers. Inventory control is crucial in retail stores, especially those with a large number or variety of merchandise items for sale. Inventory control is also used in warehouses to track orders and shipments, and for automated order processing. Other important applications of inventory control systems are in manufacturing, shipping, and receiving. Inventory control is important to ensure quality control in businesses that handle transactions revolving around consumer goods. Without proper inventory control, a large retail store may run out of stock on an important item. A good inventory control system will alert the retailer when it is time to reorder. Inventory control is also an important means of automatically tracking large shipments. For example, if a business orders ten pairs of socks for retail resale, but only receives nine pairs, this will be obvious upon inspecting the contents of the package, and error is not likely. On the other hand, say a wholesaler orders 100,000 pairs of socks and 10,000 are missing. Manually counting each pair of socks is likely to result in error. An automated inventory control system helps to minimize the risk of error. In retail stores, an inventory control system also helps track theft of retail merchandise, providing valuable information about store profits and the need for theft-preventi on systems. Automated inventory control systems work by scanning a barcode either on the item. A scanner is used to read the barcode, and the machine reads the information encoded by the barcode. This information is then tracked by a central computer system. For example, a purchase order may contain a list of items to be pulled for packing and shipping. The inventory control system can serve a variety of functions in this case. It can help a worker locate the items on the order list in the warehouse, it can encode shipping information like tracking numbers and delivery addresses, and it can remove these purchased items from the inventory tally to keep an accurate count of in-stock items. All of this data works in tandem to provide businesses with real-time inventory tracking information. Inventory control systems make it simple to locate and analyze inventory information in real-time with a simple database search. Future planning for RH basis of the secondary data collected through presenting collected With the global economic crisis petering out, markets seem to be recovering faster than previously assumed, said Norbert Reithofer, BMWs chief executive. Across the car industry, luxury producers are reporting strong growth in new markets and a revival in company car sales in the US and Europe, where the segment did not benefit from last years scrapping incentives that skewed demand towards smaller cars. JD Power, the auto consultancy, estimates that global sales of premium and superpremium cars, which fell by 12 per cent in 2009 compared with the markets overall 2.5 per cent drop will rebound by 10 per cent this year, more than double the 4 per cent growth it projects for the overall market. BMWs sales rose 13.8 per cent to 315,614 cars in the quarter, mostly driven by more than doubled sales in China. Demand in China has influenced our performance . . . significantly, said Friedrich Eichiner, chief financial officer. BMW, which now sells one in five of its cars in Asia, became on e of several carmakers to announce further expansion in China this year when it unveiled plans to spend à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬560m on a second plant in Shenyang. BMWs arch-rival Daimler doubled its Chinese sales in the first quarter, which helped it to swing from a loss of  £1.4bn a year ago to an operating profit of  £1.2bn.China is now Daimlers third-largest market and one of its fastest growing.Mr Reithofer said the Munich-based carmaker had received an outstanding order income for its new 5 Series model.BMW said a refreshed model line-up also helped it cut back on incentives for car buyers.Arndt Ellinghorst, analyst at Credit Suisse, said: BMW is in the fortunate position that its product momentum coincides with the market recovery.BMW, which also produces Minis and Rolls-Royces, reiterated its target of an operating margin of 8-10 per cent in its automotive business by 2012 a goal described by analysts as ambitious.Lane sharing, Page 22 Car industry executives, when they gather at the Geneva auto show next week, can congratulate themselves on having weathered their sharpest crisis in decades without suffering the collapse they warned would jeopardise millions of jobs.The perennial sick man of manufacturing has survived the worst of the downturn, which began in 2008, thanks to tens of billions of dollars shovelled into the sector in the form of financial bail-outs, cash for clunkers consumer subsidies, and soft government loans.In one sign that the market is turning, US car sales after hitting a 27-year-low of 10.4m last year are now growing again.But the mood in Geneva will hardly be ebullient amid forecasts of a hollow recovery for a sector that has not cured itself of its chronic problems. Even as the US market revives, demand for cars in Europe is due to drop this year as cash for clunkers scrappage programmes come to an end.Dieter Zetsche, Daimlers boss, who heads the European industry group Acea, this week sp oke of a stoney road ahead for the industry in 2010. Analysts predict car sales in mature markets Europe, North America, and Japan will not return to their pre-crisis levels before 2013. If you look globally, the industry is very much out of intensive care but it still requires a lot of monitoring going forwards, says Calum MacRae, lead auto analyst with PwC.Worse, warn experts, European governments interventions in particular kept carmakers afloat without forcing them to address the overcapacity that always was and remains a leading source of their ills.On the contrary: France, Italy, Germany and the UK all overtly linked their aid to carmakers to the future of their plants.US carmakers, in deeper financial distress than their European or Asian competitors before the crisis started, cut capacity by 3.5m units in 2007-09, according to PwC. The US government forced GM and Chrysler to close plants as the price for their more than $60bn of bailout loans.In Europe, where most carmaker s cut shifts or put workers on shorter hours rather than shutting plants, just 1.2m units of capacity were cut, says PwC.Only two plant closures have been announced since the crisis began: of Fiats plant in Termini Imerese, Sicily, and Opels in Antwerp, Belgium. Jaguar Land Rover also said it would close one of its three UK plants this decade. The industrys structural problems mean carmakers will face intense competitive pressure even as scrappage subsidies are withdrawn. It looks like were past the worst but a slow recovery is almost a given, says Robert Schulz, analyst with Standard Poors.Frances PSA Peugeot Citroà «n, reporting earnings this month, said it expected Europes car market to contract by 10 per cent this year; its rival Renault said it would shrink by 9 per cent. Fiats shares have slumped this month after Italys government declined to extend the scrapping subsidies that fuelled demand for its cars last year.The ending of Germanys scrappage scheme alone is due to slas h tota

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communic

Abstract The world is separated by many barriers that are today being overcome by technology. Leading the way in this explosion are American based media corporations. Earlier on many businesses saw investing in operations overseas as being a waste of money and time. Americans have had the tendency to think that the world revolves around them. This thought process has kept many companies from expanding into the international markets. The American culture dominance in regards to music, style and way of life is spreading like wildfire through out the world. Issue Paper American Based Media Corporations: Opening the Global Lines of Communication In the last twenty years technology has made expansion into overseas arenas much easier than ever before. Today American companies are relentlessly trying to capitalize on the popularity of the US culture in foreign markets. Media companies cross nationalism is no surprise in light of the fact that they have always been operating on the cutting edge. The media has a great deal of control over what people see, hear and read on a daily basis. Technology has benefited a great deal from media companies exposing new inventions and other advancements for the public to see. Media companies are also responsible for the spread of the American pop culture, which has endeared itself to many in different countries. The are several media companies capitalizing on the American pop culture boom, but the focus of this paper will be placed on three specific types of media corporations. The Associated Press, AT&T and YAR Communications deal in totally different areas of media but they all have one thing in common, they have intensely sought after the foreign market. The Associated Press In 18... ...In order to remain profitable in such competitive market a company must provide a product or service that spans the global in appeal. The vast media arena is ever changing as innovative young minds continue to find new ways to make success an inevitable fact. In essence the public will have the final say so in which business will sink or swim in the media global marketplace. The tough decisions are made on the streets and not in the boardroom. Over the years the streets have called for a more diversified aspect of the media. The companies mentioned above are leaders in this respective services they provide and will continue to play a major role in global media. Works Cited "The Associated Press." Website. anniversary/nhistory/past50.html. "AT&T Corp." Website. "YAR Communications." Website.