Monday, December 30, 2019

How Do I Learn Write Essay - 987 Words

How Do I Learn to Write? Reading and writing go hand-in-hand. Those who learn to write, write so someone will eventually read it. Those who learn to read, learn to write through reading other people’s work. But, one must first learn how to do one of the following to succeed in both. So, how does one learn to write? The best, most concise, writers develop from avid readers. Through reading, I am always learning how to write. I believe reading is essentially the foundation of learning to write. With active reading skills I can not only get better at writing, but have the power to excel with my writing experience through different styles of writing. Once I learn to write well in one style, I can then challenge myself to read different styles of literature. Aside from through reading, I didn’t learn to write. Writing is a trait that can only be acquired by way of reading literature. Surprisingly, or maybe not so surprisingly, I can learn a plethora of things from others through writing. Writers are the teachers of new readers. If one reads fascinating articles, they will be taught to write fascinating articles. Likewise, if someone is a dedicated reader of mysteries they will have an easier time writing mysteries than a reader who doesn’t like mysteries. I have been asked for reflections of articles, frequently in high school. Every month, we were obligated to turn in four one page responses to four articles we’re given. Although this helped me develop my basic academic writingShow MoreRelatedHow Do I Learn Write?891 Words   |  4 PagesHow Do I Learn to Write? Reading and writing go hand-in-hand. Those who learn to write, write so someone will eventually read it. Those who learn to read, learn to write through reading other people’s work. But, one must first learn how to do one of the following to succeed in both. So, how does one learn to write? The best, most concise, writers develop from avid readers. Through reading, we are always learning how to write. I believe reading is essentially the foundation of learning to write.Read MoreWriting Is A Fundamental Aim Of Education943 Words   |  4 Pagestaught the importance of and how to do it well. Teachers have the ability to make every student a great writer; teachers just have to give students the tools to accomplish that. â€Å"Developing fluency in writing has always been a fundamental aim of education, even if the promise has never been fully realized.† (National Commission on Writing) Writing is just putting our thought down on paper and making sure that they make sense and are organized. All students can learn to do this it just takes proper instructionRead MoreMalcom X By Malcolm X989 Words   |  4 Pageswhen they are unable to do something; this leads to frustration and then a choice they have to make: giving up or stubbornly continuing it. Malcolm X was also in a situation like that during his time in prison. He nev er finished his education in reading or writing and tried to learn how to read and write which it was hard for him, but he still continue to learn to those skills. In Malcolm X’s â€Å"Learning to Read†, despite being a prisoner, he decides to learn how to read and write making use of his timeRead MoreThe Importance Of Writing1176 Words   |  5 PagesI love writing as much as I can. It allows me the freedom to be someone else. It gives my imagination the freedom to be wide open. When I write, I want other people who read it to understand what I am writing. I want my story to get the audiences’ senses working. I be sure to write my own ideas and thoughts, so as to not plagiarize anyone’s work. Writing is and should be a free-thinking love. Most writings are going to have a beginning, middle, and end. I like to have all three portions of a storyRead More My Writing Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesthe past four years, I have written many papers for various classes, enjoying some and others having to choke out words to write down. In this memo I will describe my writing projects and how they made me become a better writer, and how they will continue to help develop me into a becoming a more prosperous writer. What I Really Learned in English 100 Well as a recent pupil of the Great McFadden I want to do all that I can to be on his good side, for he said that if I go one mile to meetRead MoreMay Kattaya. Prof. Shannon-Bowers. English 110. February1144 Words   |  5 Pageswish to reoccur. That memory for me is when I moved from Egypt an Arabic speaking country to the United States where they speak English. It was a unique change that I was never used to. I was born in Egypt, an Arabic-speaking country. I was living in Egypt my entire life. I went to school there: Elementary and middle school. When I was young, I had the hard time to speak or talk and that was my biggest issue because I had to go to school late. When I went to elementary school, there was a teacherRead MoreNatural Writing As A Construct982 Words   |  4 Pagesnatural is a construct in itself. I believe that there is more that goes into when writing and that writing is not natural. So many things come into play when writing and learning how to write. Not everyone writes the same so teaching multiple people how to write in a way to better them individually can be difficult. I never really realized this, until I reach the college level and took the Rhetoric and Composition class that made me see the difference between â€Å"how to write† and â€Å"what is writing.† TheRead MoreWant I Expect to Learn in My English Class763 Words   |  4 PagesWhen I was in high school, I had to take some type of comprehension test every year. I guess it was for students who were registered as English being there second language. I never really understood the concept of understanding what I am reading or writing. When I was in high school the only books I had read were the â€Å"Hungry Games† and â€Å"A Child Called It†. Other than that I never really read anything else. During my last year of high school my English class read some Shakespeare book. ShakespeareRead MoreWhat Is Introductory English?758 Words   |  4 Pageshelp students learn to use critical thinking. Students need to be able to read an article and take the information and put it into their words. One must be able to identify what the main idea is in each writing piece, and then transform the material into something greater. Students will learn to establish ideas in essay form, and then map them out by creating a rough draft, and then revising the essay. (â€Å"Cours e catalog†) Students will also learn how to find references for essays and how to cite informationRead MoreMy Reflection Of Writing1579 Words   |  7 PagesThis semester I wrote three essays; a review essay, annotated bibliography, and a research paper. As I wrote these essays I learned what they were, why they are written, and why people use these to obtain information. Throughout this course I enjoyed writing the essays and learning new things from what I was writing about. Although some were not easy I still took my time and made sure they were perfect in my eyes. While taking this class I learned a new perspective of writing these specific papers

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Trusty Model Of Dependent Personality Disorder

Abstract Many theorists for decades have presented theoretical approaches in an effort to comprehend personality. Hence, to this date, no theorist has been able to find all the answers in their theory to understand an individual personality. The purpose of this paper is to present -the Trusty model of dependent personality disorder. Major topics relevant to the disorder will be explored including the human image (determination vs. free will, nature vs. nurture and the past vs. the present) as well as the dysfunctional personality style. As you read this paper, I hope you will be more enlightened from the information presented and also gain a better understanding of dependent personality disorder. Keywords: dependent, theory, personality, Trusty, model Personality Theory: The Trusty Model To be honest people need each other. We exist as social creatures. However, it is almost a tough situation to co-exist with individual who suffer from dependent personality disorder as a result of their clingy behavior. The Trusty model for dependent personality disorder is described below. Components of the Trusty Model of Dependent Personality Disorder Image of Human Nature Nature versus nurture. The origin of personality is character-biological nature with a heredity support. Individuals with dependent personality generally display orientation towards being vigilant and at the same time apprehensive as far back as their childhood age (Bornstein, 1992). However, growing up

Friday, December 13, 2019

Social construction gender Free Essays

string(58) " stereotypes come in the way of woman development issues\." The Social Construction of Gender Associated with Disordered Eating Patterns. In the US alone, there is reported to be over 1 million malnourished cases. Of all the above, a significant percentage are self-imposed malnourishment, which implies that, they do not occur as a result of lack of nutritious food but rather as a result of the rush for beauty. We will write a custom essay sample on Social construction gender or any similar topic only for you Order Now More than ever before, women want to look and feel thin and ‘small’. This is what is in the contemporary times viewed as beauty. The media, community as well as peers have all contributed to the development. This paper explores the concept of thinness as reflected in the contemporary society especially the role of eating disorders in the endeavour for beauty. 1. Introduction The social construction of gender has been attributed to numerous challenges facing women since time immemorial. Numerous happenings which influence or affect human beings have been given a social interpretation and therefore resulting onto the coining of the term â€Å"social construction†. The term basically refer to those belief widely held by the society which influence the interactions. In reference to gender, social construction refers to the social process in which men and women are subjected to different conditions in an endeavour to understand better how each one functions as well as the interconnection between the two genders. Social construction aims at looking at the effects the differential treatment of women has on their social life as well as their cultural practices. Although not widely researched on, social construction of gender had much influence on eating patterns. The fact that modernization has yielded much pressure on today’s human is a point to the fact that social construction is in action in almost all spheres of life. Unlike in the fact when beauty has not so much tied to one’s body weight/mass. The 21st century has seen a rise in the emphasis given to being slim especially on the part of women although overweight, obesity or under weight are problems that affect both gender, not is worthy noting that much of the emphasis on keeping fit in the sense of remaining slim is usually used in regard to women. From a gender perspective women are under much pressure to look and keep’ smart. The reason why majority want to remain slim is due to social pressure which stems from the fact that many cultures and especially the western culture value slimness and views it as a lading quality of beauty. The following discussion focuses on self-scheme less space as well as lack of voice as basic concept which advances social construction of gender. On the other hand, the discussion analyses gender identity from a woman perspective while at the same discussing the valuable concepts such as the power associated with beauty as well as the pressure of period the community at large as well as the effects these have on women. . Self-Schema This refers to the experiences of people in regard to their interactions with the society. Self-schema has been defined by, Lorber, Farrell,(1991) as the organization of personal information all related to one experiences all of which have an impact on what people do and focus on. In regard to social construction, self-schema may refer to how women perceive and describe themselves. Such may include women role in the family women and leadership, women and beauty, which is the main focus of this paper. Schema in human beings is concerned with beliefs, pas experiences in life. In case of women various schemas can be attributed to eating disorder. These includes, what the society holder as the ideal weight, what the society beliefs to be the ideal height the ideal hair colour, the idea colour as well as what the society holds to represent heavily. The above contribute to childhood experiences as well experiences in teenage, early adulthood as well as late adulthood as well as late adult shapes ones mind set on many issues. For instances whether a lady perceives herself as beautiful cut, attractive or one of the above is greatly influenced by what she has undergone in life. The experiences shape beliefs over perception of the general public. In regard to women and dietary habits any consistent staring aimed at an overweight or round figured lady can lead to the lady believing that the stares are as a result of her body size, shape or figure and this further contributes to social construction of women. Self schema depends and is shaped by a woman’s experiences and at the same by stimuli in the society such as reactions from people, fashion, attitudes as well as cultural and environmental factors. Self schema on the other had is determined by the company or peers of a woman, the environment whether office or human environment. Determinants of self schema in women. Experience, how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema in women. Experiences of how often a woman has been subjected to particular self-schema determine how one is likely to respond or react. Importance of self-schema in women. While self schema could sometimes be detrimental to a woman’s health, the fact that some self-schema is represented positively is worth noting. Of particular interest to feminists is the fact that women who result of self-schema hold high opinions of themselves are more likely to resist social pressures which cause many women to confirm to society’s expectations which are mostly anti feminine. Problems of self-schema Self-schema can cause a number of problems to women. Such may include the development of stereotypes which revolve around certain attributes being assigned to specific groups of people. For instance, there exists, a stereotype about the western woman being slim and tall as apposed to African who are viewed as plum and short. Stereotypes can lead to misconceptions of facts and a lack of clear interpretation to meaning this in turn results into women suffering especially if the stereotypes come in the way of woman development issues. You read "Social construction gender" in category "Papers" A. Disappear/Less Space A prejudice concerning a woman as not being beautiful for instance may put the particular woman at a disadvantage when it comes to making choices especially in her social life. For instance where prejudice of a woman in terms of her appearance and shape is dominant, chances are that the woman is more likely to suffer and be at a disadvantage compared to others who are not subjected to the prejudice. . Woman’s gender Identity Self schema may be problematic in that, they may lead to a woman being discriminated against in light of her beauty or lack of it. Since society mostly conceptual ones beauty a physical appearance, a woman may be discriminated against as account of her physical looks. This in turn may cause numerous effects in that the woman who is not equally physically endowed may miss out on opportunities she rightfully qualifies for. Woman gender identity From a gender perspective a woman has been portrayed as the weaker sex. Although it is hard to trace the origin of this common belief, it can be attributed to the domination of man in most spheres of public life such as politics and religion. Also the religious teachings of many religious have perpetrated this understanding in that their teaching which often call for nor-compromising adherence preach about how a woman should be submissive to a man. This has had the greatest impact in the lives of more women than any other factor, for instance, a woman is more likely to be denied a place in some churches or religious purely because of the fact that the particular religion teachers that. Power of beauty Power of beauty has been known to bring down ever the mightiest in the society. From the biblical records of King Solomon to Samson, from presidents to kings, beauty has been cited as one of the greatest assets the female gender has at its disposal. Even at household levels, beautiful women have a high bargaining then not so beautiful woman, for a beautiful woman, the beauty acts like a fall-back position and one is likely to use it to her advantage. However beauty as a gender concept is given different interpretation from culture to culture as well as from society to society, however, the immense power those of the females who are beautiful yield makes them at bargaining. The concept of beauty and the emphasis accorded to it has meant it more of a tool of bargain than it is a natural gift endowed to a woman. Women are investing in healthy and nutritious foods as well as seeking services of beauty consultants. Overall, the role of diet and food in beauty can not be over-emphasized. To remain beautiful, at least according to American standards one has to keep close watch on their weight, this has in turn has contributed to eating disorders. This is a big blow to proponents of health. Unlike in the past, currently the once promising trends as far as malnourishment cases in the society are concerned have started to revert and more cases of malnourishment are being reported. It is common knowledge that nowadays; women are keen to ‘keep fit’ at all costs. However, what makes the topic of interest and concern to social constructionist is the fact that the problem does not reflect in men as much as it is reflected in women. This phenomenon has led to feminists calling far changes in the way beauty is perceived in the society so as to alleviate the impeding danger of malnourishment. Recent happenings in some beauty events early this year clearly illustrates the extent to which the problem has become another challenge for governments and other stakeholder such as health departments. Role of media Media has been termed as one of the strongest agent of change in the 21st century. From the internet to television adverts, mobile phones and computer technology. Media in all its forms whether print or electronic is the vehicle through which the society mostly utilizes in communication. For instance, in advertisement, the medial constantly portrays the beautiful women as that who is slim slender or not weighing a lot. Due to its power of communication, audiences often fall for what the media passes across and only a few take the time to review it and give it a critical review. Thus, the media has in some sense been misused to misconstrue facts and there has altered meanings of some concepts such as beauty. On the other hard, media can be used positively to rectify the negative perception inculcated in minds of people especially about what entails beauty. The media can come up with programmes aimed at advancing a different dimension, which perhaps de-emphasises sliminess and concentrates on other aspects such as beauty of the heart as well as beauty of being truly health through use of natural means such as healthy food, and exercises. Role of community/Team In terms of beauty at least every one grows knowing a beautiful colleague. It is hard to fail to arrive at consensus on who is beautiful than, who usually the judgement does not need experts but each society is socially constructed in such a way that, it has attribute and even values which as highly associated with beauty, it is these values than the community and ones peers hold about being beautiful and what is beauty that, make the role of community and peer central to the understanding of beauty. The society especially peers have enhanced the constructing of beauty as thinness is that, even in most cultures, being overweight is more revered than being under weight. This clearly points to the fact that, thinness has been taken to be a synonym for beauty and vice versa. Conclusion As long as society continues to give more power to thinner women, eating disorders will continue. Women are expected to look and act a certain way in order to have a small portion of the power men have. As feminist we must help create a society that avoids discrimination. Eventually that is the only way that we will help alleviate many issues women deal with, such as eating disorders. How to cite Social construction gender, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Epilepsy Essay Research Paper EpilepsyEpilepsy is a free essay sample

Epilepsy Essay, Research Paper Epilepsy Epilepsy is a chronic upset characterized by recurrent ictuss. Seizures are defined as go throughing neurological abnormalcies caused by unregulated electrical encephalon discharge, a direct consequence of unusual electrical activity in the encephalon. They can last anyplace from a few seconds to a few proceedingss, and uncontrolled. These ictuss themselves are non the disease, they may be a mark of upset such as epilepsy. Epilepsy affects about one per centum of the general population of the United States. There is no specific age group, race, nationality or societal degree the suffers from this upset. Some people outgrow it and hold no demand for medicine. While others can populate full and normal lives with the proper interventions. Some people enduring from epilepsy are warned about an at hand ictus hours before it occurs, alterations such as a concern, alteration in temper, lethargy or nonvoluntary jolt are some of the common symptoms that tend to predate a ictus. We will write a custom essay sample on Epilepsy Essay Research Paper EpilepsyEpilepsy is a or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page These symptoms are different from the aura or feeling that precedes a generalised ictus and comes seconds or proceedingss before the existent ictus. In most people, nevertheless, ictus are unpredictable and unrelated to the individual s current state of affairs some external determina National Trusts may trip ictuss though. Lack of slumber, emotional emphasis, missed repasts, intoxicant ingestion/withdrawal, even fever or some infections may bring forth ictuss. There are many possible cause of epilepsy but in more than half the causes, the precise cause can non be determined. An familial inclination to develop the upset occurs in the households of some patients. Some of the known cause include caput hurts, shots, premature birth, infective disease, complicated bringings, or drug use/withdrawal. General intervention steps include drug therapy with the end of the preventing farther onslaughts. The discontinuation of intervention depends on the opinion of single doctors The drug intervention utilised depends on the type of ictus. the drug is addition bit by bit until ictus are controlled. Monitoring plasma drug degrees is necessary for some indicants due to varied curative response based on blood concentration. In instances when epilepsy is cause by a tumour in the encephalon, or when medicine fails to command ictuss, surgery may be an alternate. Physicians may order and supervise a type of diet known as a ketogenic diet if medicines have non been able to sop ictuss. Most people with epilepsy can take normal lives. The earlier intervention begins, the better the consequence.